Hiking Photography Class



Living in Utah, we truly have a remarkable landscape to enjoy and photograph. Not making the time and needing to learn a few skills seem to be the typical reasons for not getting outside. One of my favorite ways of photographing Utah is taking advantage of the many hikes available to us. I find a hike, take a friend (or my mom), pack the camera and some snacks, and go adventure. The amazing thing about Salt Lake is that many of the hikes are only 20-30 minutes away from the city. It doesn’t take long to get there and the hike only takes a couple hours, or you can make it last the entire day if you have the time.

Nature is incredibly healing. Escaping the hustle and bustle of the city renews peace within me and helps me realize most of my daily worries are actually smaller than I once thought. Making the time is a choice. A choice to choose experiencing this incredible landscape rather than “being productive.” I’ve finally decided I don’t have to feel guilty when others cast jealous looks because I chose to hike and take photos on a Wednesday morning. Not sorry folks, I’m focusing on what brings my soul joy. If you’d like to get in on the action, check out more details below!

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The Details

If you’d like to take get out in nature, get a bit of exercise, improve your photography skills, and take advantage of some amazing photo-ops, this is the class for you. I will lead you on your choice of 7 different hikes along the Wasatch mountains. You choose the hike which will be rated by difficulty level and length of hike on the form. You’ll also choose a time of day. Some hikes or lookouts really like to show off at sunset or sunrise, such as Antelope Island. We will meet at the trailhead and get our gear ready to go. (Be Sure To Charge Your Camera The Day Before! There’s Nothing Worse Than Dead Equipment!) On the hike, we can stop as often as we’d like to take photos of anything that catches our eye. I will answer questions and teach about composing a photo, how to work with the light, framing, leading lines, etc. Feel free to ask any questions you’d like, my knowledge is at your disposal. Once at our destination, that will likely be the prim-ultimate photo opportunity. Most hikes end at a lake, waterfall, or meadow. We’ll take time for each of us to set up the shot and ask questions. I will be there to give one-on-one advice.

I won’t provide a camera for you, but if you have questions regarding cameras I can help you out. Some working knowledge of your camera would be helpful, but I can teach you how to be brave and switch to manual mode, if you' don’t already know how. I can also teach you the basics of your camera such as ISO, F-stop, shutter speed, and more. If you have all this knowledge, you are still more than welcome to join. We’ll all learn from one another on each outing and get to practice our skills in the beauty of the mountain landscapes.